
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Drama (Freeze Frames)

Drama (Freeze Frame)

Last week we have been learning how to do freeze frames and we were in groups of 5 as we learned different techniques and we each did a role.

The Techniques Are:

Levels-Height levels

Spacial relationship- How close and apart from the people are  

Facial Relationship-Expression/Feeling/Emotions


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Egg Drop (Science)


During Science, we have been making a parachute for our egg with the following materials, popsicle sticks, foams, tape, paper, egg, and plastic.

How our egg drop was a success was by adding as many foams as possible to absorb the impact of the drop.

My buddies that helped me with this are Kareem Andales and Elias Nazari.