What is Arthritis?
What Is Arthritis?
Your one or more joints fighting against the toxic or the things that are harming it, which causes pain and stiffness depending on age.
What are the symptoms?
There are different kinds of Arthritis, some can cause wear and tear or disease, or infections. The pain usually starts when you use your joint too much which causes a burning sensation, some food ingredients can also cause Arthritis.
What causes it?
Signs that you could have Arthritis are when you can feel soreness early in the morning, you might also feel stress.
What can you do to treat Arthritis?
What can be able to treat Arthritis is by using pain killers, other things that can help is by using Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic drugs.
Is clicking fingers bad for you?
Clicking your fingers isn't bad for you, though it can be annoying or distracting for other people but doesn't cause Arthritis.