
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Arthritis Meaning

 What is Arthritis?

What Is Arthritis?

Your one or more joints fighting against the toxic or the things that are harming it, which causes pain and stiffness depending on age.

What are the symptoms?

There are different kinds of Arthritis, some can cause wear and tear or disease, or infections. The pain usually starts when you use your joint too much which causes a burning sensation, some food ingredients can also cause Arthritis.

What causes it?

Signs that you could have Arthritis are when you can feel soreness early in the morning, you might also feel stress.

What can you do to treat Arthritis?

What can be able to treat Arthritis is by using pain killers, other things that can help is by using Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic drugs.

Is clicking fingers bad for you?

Clicking your fingers isn't bad for you, though it can be annoying or distracting for other people but doesn't cause Arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Symptoms, causes, and complications

Hands – Arthritis - Auckland OrthopaedicsAuckland Orthopaedics

Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Apocalypse

During Hurumanu 2 we have been learning about types of natural disasters such as the Zombie Apocalypse and how they could affect us/society so we have been making posters writing 10 things to survive during a zombie apocalypse. For me, Zombie Apocalypse can be counted as a chaotic thing because it can easily affect society and you don't know what might happen next.

Here my top 10 ways how to survive during Zombie Apocalypse:

10: Check the back seats

Why I chose my top 1 is because just in case if your alone you will have another person protecting you in case if a zombie jumps behind you.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

ICT Learning

My own Kahoot

Hello, my name is Jaren, and the school I go to is Hornby High School. The things I often like to do during school are hanging out with my friends, torture them and play sports during morning tea and lunchtime. Things I do when I'm outside school is drawing anime, watching anime, eat, or play on my phone.

Heres my Kahoot about Cyber Safety

Here's my first go at formatting a word doc.

Friday, February 19, 2021

What Like to do in the weekend

What I like to do on the weekend
By Jaren

What I like to do during the weekend is watching on my phone such as anime or just random videos or talking to my friends in discord, I also like to practice volleyball in my backyard or just rest, on special occasions me and my parents and siblings watch a movie.

Things I also like to do during the weekends are visiting my friends and hang out with them, I also like playing on my phone on random games such as emulator, Minecraft, or Roblox.
I also just relax by listening to music or just eat, I also play with my siblings and also watch on my tv, and half of the time I also draw things such as anime, or creatures, every evening during the weekends is me and my parents attended Church in facetime.

Friday, February 12, 2021

What is 321 RIQ

 321 RIQ

321 RIQ is a strategy for writing my ESOL class use during blogging. 

How 321 RIQ works are that you would need to write three recalls you learnt from and add two new things you learnt and 1 Question about something you don't get and struggling.

Here is one of my examples of 321 RIQ:

Three recalls of what I learnt so far:

Doing the name game and learning about my ESOL classmates and learning about the benefits of blogging and why learning English is also a good benefit.

2 New things I learnt so far:

The benefits of blogging are because it reflects your writing and allows you to show your mistakes so you can learn from it and it also gives you a much better understanding of what you are writing about and why learning English is also a good benefit so you can have better communication with others.

1 Question of something I want to know about or didn’t understand:

Why we need to take ESOL classes