
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Wacky Story By Jaren
I wonder if a street cat drank some diet coke with mentos from a toxic trash can?

One weird morning I was walking out and trying to find some shinny sharp crystal parts
as my collection and saw a floating street cat with diet coke with mentos from the toxic
trash can in its mouth, all of a sudden it floated and  dashed around the place and
accidentally ate its owner, it was brutal, even though I said that to myself too. I ran back
to my house and locked all my windows and curtains, I relieft . I tried to get some of my
sharp shinny crystal collection so I can be enabled to to remove the air out of the cat.  
When I was outside I saw the cat getting bigger and bigger, I was really surprise because
I had to do it quick, just then he was eating all the house and people and also their pets,
I ran to the giant cat and jumped inside his mouth and looked for the air. When I went to
his guts, I saw air that's getting  bigger because his air wouldn’t get out because of the
coke with mentos, I started poking the cat’s skin with my crystal to make a hole. When
it was done I made all the people get out of the cat all of a sudden I was the only one the
guts and was stuck in the cats skin with it's tails and paws, I felt weird, people started
laughing around the cat because it looked so tall as humans, I had the most dumbest
experience I  had that day.