Effect on Heat
Contraction (Imploding Can):
"Contraction" means a process of getting smaller, shorter, or tighter, for example, my hand contracted when I made a fist. How "contraction" was related to the "Imploding Can" experiment was when we placed the "Can" filled by hot on the container with cold water, the hot water, and the cold water "contracted" which causes the "Can" to implode.
Expansion (Ball in Hoop):
"Expansion" means a something becoming larger or extending, for example, the balloon expanded when I blowed it. How this was was related to the "Ball and Hoop" experiment was when I add hot water in the metal ball, the heat causes it to "expand", if you add cold water, it will get smaller.
Conduction (Dropping pin):
"Conduction" means the heat traveling through a solid, causing it to vibrate more and more, for example, the pan starts to conduct after I heated it up. How this was related to the "Dropping Pin" experiement was when I heated up, using a bunsen burner to the metal rod along with the five pins attached to it, it causes the heat to conduct through the metal rod, which causes the metal rod to vibrate and the five pins to fall down.
Convection in liquid (Permanganate Crystal in Water):
"Convection in liquid" means when the liquid is heated up, they start to become less dense, meaning they aren't close to each other before as like one object.
Convection in gas (Teabag rockets):
"Convection in gas" means when the gas is heated up, it becomes less dense, meaning that they aren't that close to each other before as one object, then rises, when they cool down, they start to move down. How this was related to the "Teabag Rockets" was when we heated up the tea bag, it cause it to burn then rises and starts to fall as it cools.